You may think that you know all there is to know about auto insurance in Westerville, OH. However, there are a few lesser-known facts of which you may not be aware. If you are planning to purchase a new car, change or update your current policy, or just want all the facts, you need to learn as much as you can. The experts at Associated Insurance Agencies Inc are here to answer any questions that you may have.
Your Policy Can Be Canceled at Any Time
Many people are not aware of the fact that their insurance company can cancel their auto insurance policy at any time if you violate their guidelines. The same is true for non-renewals.
If you fail to pay your monthly premium when it is due, have your driver’s license revoked or suspended, submit too many claims where you are at fault, or misrepresent your driving or insurance history. All of these are reasons why the insurance provider may cancel your policy or deny renewal.
Small Billing Fees You May Not Be Noticing Each Month
Take the time to look over your insurance bill. If you are paying installments, you may see an additional charge for administrative fees. The more you divide your payments, the higher this convenience fee may be. In addition, there may also be charges added for the payment methods that you choose when paying your bills, such as credit card fees or pay-by-phone charges.
If you notice any additional fees on your bill, contact your provider to find out what the charges are for and how to avoid paying them. You could end up saving a considerable amount of money over time by eliminating unnecessary fees.
If you are interested in learning more facts about auto insurance in Westerville, OH, contact Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. We are here to address all of your concerns. Call us today.