Ohio has a basic amount of auto insurance it requires all drivers to have. While some people may feel that this is an amount of auto insurance that will fully protect them, for others it just won’t be the right amount. Not only do you need to access how much liability coverage you need, but you also need to decide on other auto insurance options available. At Associated Insurance Agencies Inc.in Westerville, OH, our business is making sure our customers have the insurance they need to be in compliance with the law and to give them the protection they need.
In Ohio, drivers are required to carry liability insurance on their vehicles. 25/50/25 is the basic amount of required insurance you can legally get away with. That is $25,000 for injuries and medical bills for the first injured person in an accident you caused and a total of $50.000 for the injuries for the total accident. $25,000 is for damages that affected property. Given what a hospital stay can cost and what a vehicle sells for, this is on the lower side.
If you have a reasonable amount of assets if you own a home, a business, a cabin or just about anything you could be in danger of losing them if a judgment was won against you that is in excess of the basic amount of liability insurance that is required. Talk to your insurance agent about the amount of liability insurance that would give you the level of coverage you need.
Collision and comprehensive coverage protect your vehicle. If you use your vehicle every day to get to work, to the store, to drop off kids, or other daily activities, it is important you have insurance that would repair or replace that vehicle in the event of an accident.
Contact Associated Insurance Agencies Inc. in Westerville, OH, to discuss your insurance needs.